Hey there, Single Mom peeps! I’m improving things over here. Going forward, I’ll be bringing you both a great weekly radio show with a show description, and—also on this website—a short personal blog post on the same topic. This way, you and I can connect more… better… truer. Make sure you click the RSS button to automatically receive your weekly postings. (And pssssttt… tell a friend!)
Here’s today’s blog post: This video filled my eyes with tears. It’s tough. It’s true.
I’ve posted this video because it relates to self-esteem—our topic this week on Single Mom Talk Radio. The reason why it relates is that the key to teaching our kids self-esteem is having great self-esteem ourselves. Children will build their self-image based on ours.
It’s painful to look in the mirror. Each of us single moms has a messy story to tell. My mommy journey was one of abandonment and loss (see my bio). If I were to tell you that my self-esteem wasn’t devastated when my son’s father left me to birth and raise a child on my own, I’d be lying.
I survived because new and old friends rallied around me. Through writing the If I Were Your Daddy… book, through many personal development programs, and through the grace of God, I rebuilt my self-image and self-esteem stronger than before. But this process took years. (And lots of European chocolate.)
Check out today’s radio show and take notes on the insights shared. (I’ve listened to it twice already!) Our guest, Dr. Joe Rubino, also offers a self-esteem building program, helpful because it’s not about hearing something once. It’s about creating the habits that are going to build rock-solid, personally powerful people: us and our children.
Whether you get Dr. Rubino’s program or another one, building self-esteem can be a priceless education—worth investing our time to master and pass on to our children.
with Dr. Joe Rubino – author of more than twelve self-esteem books and audio programs
Self-esteem seeds are being planted in our children everyday, just as they were planted in us when we were young. It’s human nature to fill in the gaps and give meaning to our lives. As a result, children often generalize events in an attempt to both understand and avoid unpleasant experiences. A girl who did poorly on a math test may conclude, “I’m not very smart.” A boy who gets teased in class may conclude, “People don’t like me. It’s better if I don’t speak up.” The effects of such conclusions are disastrous. Left unchecked, they can lead to tragedy. More commonly they show up in disguise, as endless struggle.
WAIT! Surely if negative seeds can be planted, so can positive ones—ones that build happy, powerful people! Today’s show gives you practical steps and specific examples to plant good seeds. Dr. Joe Rubino, author of more than twelve self-esteem books and audio programs, will outline the five components of self-esteem and how parents can affect them. You’ll also learn how your own life can be supported. Dr. Rubino will describe the common emotional habits—the predominant “addictive” emotional states originating in lower self-esteem—that we adults can fall prey to unless we consciously choose otherwise. You’ll hear ideas on how to repair self-esteem after the upset of a divorce or other stressful experiences. “There are fundamental principles for building powerful and happy people—principles that can be easily learned and mastered,” says Dr. Rubino. Listen to today’s show, check out his “self-esteem system”—and share this post with a friend! [related topics: self-esteem, building self-esteem in children, divorce, single mom] link: Listen here Dr. Joe Rubino: www.centerforpersonalreinvention.com/founders.html self-esteem system: www.totalselfesteem.com/?hop=0